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Сарез Тревел
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+992 (93) 407 25 46
Эл. почта:
736203, Республика
Таджикистан, ГБАО,
Бартангская долина,
село Барчидиф

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Информация туристам

Are you going to visit Tajikistan and do not know how to start? If yes, then this page is for you!
In this page we provide you with more information about documents necessary for visiting Tajikistan and the High Pamirs.

Any foreign citizen crossing border of Tajikistan should have on them working passport or other document certifying his(her) person, and also the appropriate visa.  Tajik visa can be obtained via the embassy of Tajikistan in your country (or neighbour country) or in Dushanbe airport (for citisens of some countries). Please find more information about getting Tajikistan visa here.Tajik visa cannot be given in borders, so if you are coming to Tajikistan from Kyrgyzistan, Uzbekistan or Afghanistan, you must already have Tajik visa.

If you are willing to visit the Pamirs, you need GBAO permit, which can be obtained in OVIR (Dushanbe or Khorog). In order to obtain GBAO permit, you must show your Tajikistan visa, so obtaining Tajikistan visa is the first step of making your travel to Tajikistan possible. Our company can organise GBAO permit before your coming to Tajikistan if you already have Tajikistan visa.

Also visiting Sarez lake and Zorkul lake requre special permit. Please find more information about: how to get Sarez Lake permit. Zorkul lake permit and National Park permit can be obtained after you coming to Tajikistan  as well through our company.

If you could not find necessary information in this webpage, please contact us! We are always happy to answer them and make your dream -traveling to Tajikistan, true!
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