Name of tour
Horse riding tour in the heart of Pamirs
Beginning of the season
1st of July (approximate)
8 daysYashilkul Lake-Bachor-Zaroshkul-Uchkul-ChapdaraLake-Marjanay-Sumantash
End of season
End of SeptemberComments (If there are comments write and forward it to me again)
Descriptions of activities
Travel starts

Drive from Bulunkul to the dam of Yashilkul (1 hour) and meet there the team of horse guides with horses. It is the first day of your journey if you come late you can stay tonight. The best option is that you arrive in the morning and pack your luggage earlier. You will climb a small but very impressive pass above Yashilkul, called Bughurmal and have a great view of the lake.
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals
Day 1
Overnight in Pamiri house or an homestay
Bachor village
6 hours riding. Riding along Ghund river you will arrive in Bachor village which is a lovely, Tajik settlement. You have the opportunity to get familiarized with local traditions and the life of a remote community.
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals, homestay, traditional concert (optional)
Day 2
Overnight in tents

6 house riding. You start traveling in the morning from Bachor. After 5 km you will turn left and ride along Andaravj river. Andaravj valley is very impressive with its sceneries. You will have to cross the river after passing the house of shepherds in riguven.
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals
Day 3
Overnight in tents

The third by the end of the day you will reach Zaroshkul lake. The altitude is more than 4,500 m. the scenery is just amazing. Put your tents and enjoy the beauties of nature.
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals
Horseman and horse Pamiri horses are designed for such mountain trips. On the background you see the Zaroshkul Lake in August


Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals
Horse guide and a Swiss tourist
Day 4
Overnight in tents on the lakeshore close to the shepherd’s house

From Zaroshkul you will ride down to Uchkul. There are three beautiful lakes. The hospitable local shepherds will definitely invite you for some yogurt and bread.
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals
Day 5
Overnight in tents close to Capdara lake

From Uchkul you ride towards Chapdara lake. Arrive there by the end of the afternoon or evening. Preparing for the night.
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals
Day 6
Overnight in tents

Ride down from Chapdara to Kirgizshabar then up to Langar, where Langar river joins the Ghund river. Overnight there. You are already below the pass of Bughurmol near Yashilkul.
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals
Day 7
Overnight in tents

After the pass (on the picture: view from the pass) continue your travel along the right shore of the lake towards Marjanay. When you rich Marjanay, you cross the river and stay to night. There is a option if the level of water of Sumantash river is not high (in autumn) your car can reach this place and pick you up.
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals
Day 8
Overnight in a homestay in Bulunkul
End of trip

Ride along the lake (2-3 hours) up to the old Chinese tomb (Sumantash) your car is on the other side of the Sumantash river. You will cross the river and drive to Bulunkul (one hour).
Horses, horsemen, guide, cook, meals