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The mineral spring “Garm Chashma” is located on the right bank of the river Garm-Chashma at the altitude of 2325 m above sea level with a wonderful view to the snowy peaks of the Ishkashim ridge surrounded by wild roses, barberries and black currants. Here, wild berries, birch, willow and many other beautiful flowers and plants grow. Fresh air, nice weather, favorable wild climate positively affect the patients and visitors.

A snow-like white structure of unusual form with running fountains of hot water unexpectedly appears near the narrow gorge, along the swift mountain stream. The temperature of hydrogen-sulphidous source reaches up to 64° Ñ in natural baths laid out with stalactite.

The mineral waters of “Garm Chashma” are known not only for their healing features, but also due to the hydro-geological characteristics. High level of hydrogen sulphide (up to 170 ml) was found in the water of the spring, as well as carbonic acid, hydrogen carbonate chlorine and sodium silicate. Overall mineralization of the water makes up 4,031 ml (Krat, 1986). The water flows through deep crack of old crystal structures, and reaches the surface by white sedimentation of carbonate. The water, pushing up through the cracks forms impressive stalactites. The water is rich with iron, barium and other elements that give the spring exclusive healing value.

The chemical and physical features of “Garm Chashma” are alike the waters of “Istisu” in Azerbaijan and carbonic hot springs of Pyatigorsk,  Zheleznovodsk, in Caucasus and also “Khaidusaboslo” and “Kharkani” in Hungary. However, “Garm Chashma” differs by these springs by a higher level of hydrogen sulphide, silicic acid and a content of active micro-and macro-elements, such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, bromine and fluorine, that enhance biological value. The content of hydrogen sulphide and carbonate dioxide is used as healing water in skin diseases. Miraculous hydrogen-sulphide waters are especially effective in treating skin diseases, locomotive system, muscles, gynaecological disorders, respiratory apparatus, digestion and vascular systems.

Those that suffer by psoriasis, chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, scleroderma and other skin diseases without acute condition are prescribed general bath of 10-15 min long.

One course of treatment consists of 24 baths, which should be taken during 5-6 days with recreation for 6-7 days. Patients with skin diseases are inclined to frequent exacerbation (eczema, parapsoriasis, and skin itch) are prescribed general baths for 10-15 min, during 2-3 days with an interval for 3-4 days. Overall, for one course of treatment patients get 22-24 baths. Along with prescription of general mineral baths, a heliotherapy is done, which is counter-indicative in the phase of exacerbation. Sun baths are prescribed after 2-3 hours after taking mineral baths. Heliotherapy is done after a day and its duration increase from 5-7 min to 15-30 min. One course of heliotherapy includes 12-15 procedures.

Within the sanatorium other cold mineral springs flow (Khosguni, Chursh, Zund) with carbonized drinking water (narzan) which is consumed internally as a table medicinal water.

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