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Биби Фотима

Ostoni Bibi Fotimai Zakhro is Tajik for "Holy Site of the Sleeves of Bibi Fatima".  The hot springs lies deep in the Wakhan Valley of Tajikistan's Pamir Mountains, just a stone's throw away from Yamchun village. 

As most of the homestays in Tajiksitan would not provide you with hot bath, and so Bibi Fatima hot springs is a destination
the one can only dream of reaching after days of travelling thru hot waterless area.  Soaking in the natural warm mineral water has been said to rejuvenate women's well-being in ways that improve female fertility.

The springs themselves are just a simple concrete room built against the rock face where the hot water emerged. The hot water comes from a fine stalactite cave, length of which is unknown. Unlike another Pamir famous hot spring Garm Chashma where the water is full of minerals and very silty, the water in Bibi Fatima contains no chalk and is crystal clear.

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